I read this article today on Quartz Obsession that has an entire plug about handshakes, I really enjoyed the article and saw some lame handshakes too…

But hey, as I always say: YOU CAN STILL NOT EMAIL A HANDSHAKE regardless of how sophisticated our tech savvy entrepreneurs are. You win trust and people ONE HANDSHAKE AT A TIME… If you don’t believe me, believe in science: Researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel reported in 2015 that handshakes transmit chemical signals and are used by humans to “sample and sniff signalling molecules.”

By the way, don’t worry about number of norovirus particles (like you know germs) needed on your hand to get you sick. Think about it, if the other side had them on their hands it would be all over the place already (like door knobs, business cards, and on and on. So don’t be paranoid about getting sick from a solid handshake.

May you be blessed with many great handshakes bringing you fortunes and good friends.

And here is the article from Quartz for your reading enjoyment: https://qz.com/email/quartz-obsession/1298395/


Published On: 06/06/2018 / Categories: Blog /