The next big leap forward will revolve around automation (of manual repetitive manual tasks and brain work) and ease of use for things that are surrounding people in work or non-work environment. Everything seems to be moving towards a digital universe. Driverless cars, no more keys or credit cards. Facial recognition or fingerprint scanning will replace IDs.
The future of business is technology. Better connected products, better business intelligence, better efficiency through lean manufacturing, better-smarter experiential education, and better solutions for age old problems. AI, machine learning, and predictive analytics (buy using vast data) will pay a huge role in technology going forward. Our products and processes will get smarter. Our workloads will decrease so we can focus on other areas of technology and advancement. Moving parallel with this advancement is also augmented reality. We will begin to envision things like never before. Touchless phones, voice activated everything, 3D projections, virtual administration and many newer interactive solutions.
The new mantra is “Innovate or die”. Not just for companies anymore, but for employees, academia, entrepreneurs now too. Startups as well must keep up with this, I believe if you don’t have a handle on the tech side of things, there is very limited mobility upward!
The big task for new startups is how are they using these new advances in technology and finding the right end-users that will adapt to this new thesis. Are their solutions low-latency? How well do they connect to different platforms? How well do they interface with existing legacy solutions and how well do they solve the needs of not only few but many across waste networks?
The future of business will be at the “intersection of technology and relationships/networks of support.” I think any software that can help get rid of uncertainties and surprises has the potential to do world changing things. Measuring data, impact and outcomes are going to be key in the future. Big Data and results are key these days for stable and scalable solutions. So much so that we pour money more into research than into execution.
CEED Future Of Business Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 09-28-2017.