19 creative accounting schemes for money-losing startups

Quartz offers the following ideas for pro-forma accounting practices:

The new age EBITDA principles for Startups 

EBACE Earnings before all conceivable expenses

EBILT Earnings before inevitable legal trouble

EER Earnings excluding reality

EEG Earnings excluding gluten

ELOL Earnings leaving out losses

EASA Earnings according to sycophantic analysts

EBJC Earnings before John Carreyrou

EWPF Earnings if women were paid fairly

EBAIS Earnings before AI singularity

EBAAI Earnings before Amazon ate our industry

EBACT Earnings before awkward Congressional testimony

EBPB Earnings before pivot to blockchain

EBCDB Earnings before catastrophic data breach

EMFEBT Earnings from moving fast excluding broken things

EBBFVA Earnings before branded fleece vest amortization

EAMAGA Earnings after America Made Great Again

EBLFAW Earnings before life found a way

EBITMCMF Earnings before interest, tax, and mid-century modern furniture

EBLWAEAM Earnings but like what are earnings anyway, man


We love the one created by our favorite startup the infamous Weworks which is Community adjusted EBITDA, CAEBITDA  for short. (No kidding this is real)


Thank you for our friends at quarts for pulling this together: https://qz.com/1263214/pro-forma-accounting-19-creative-schemes-for-money-losing-startups/


Disclosure: Warning to MBAs and financial analyst wannabe; Please do not take this seriously as this is not real, as all mentors, incubators and accelerators practice this is part of the fake it until you make it syndrome.


Published On: 09/19/2019 / Categories: Blog / Tags: , , /