Nowadays, thanks to the internet and mostly the marvelous search engines, everyone is becoming an expert and has a  mastery of something.
We wanted to share the translations of Jack of all trades and master of none just in case you happen to bump into visitors from other continents.
The thing we realized is that each translation differs from the English description.
English is a beautiful language!
Please don’t confuse this sentence with the word “Jagoff”.  Here is a great article how we Midwesterners use this word:

Here are the translations of Jack of all trades and master of none:
תפסת מרובה לא תפסת – תפסת מועט תפסת   in Hebrew
ex omnibus aliquid, in toto nihil   in Latin
Esperto di tutto, maestro in niente   in Italian (Roman)
 Avoir plusieurs cordes à son arc   in French
سبع صنايع والبخت ضايع    in Arabic
Aprendiz de mucho, maestro de nada   in Spanish
On parmağında on marifet  in Turkish
Er kann alles, aber nichts davon richtig  in German
Published On: 11/17/2019 / Categories: Blog /