Here is our new blog of interesting articles and reading material of all sorts we come across. Originally this Blog was for our Members only but we have decided to unlock it for all. Wanted to share this with our readers and followers. Make sure to send us articles and material of interest to list here. To gain a wider perspective of things related to business, statues, finance, economy, science, technology and new things in general. But no religion, no politics and no partisanship under any condition.
We will do our best to update the list biweekly. The latest dated material on the top of the list.
Enjoy the reading and make sure to send us article links. Thanks.
(Needless to say: Credit goes to the article writers and the publishers. Feel free to share the articles, but we will appreciate if you can link your share to our site.)
Keeping your distance: Working in a COVID-19 world will change offices
Counterfeit Masks Reaching Front Line Health Workers in U.S. Download PDF report from PBS-Frontline Magazine
This year is lining up exactly like the 2000 dot-com bubble crash — stocks will drop 40% from here, former Goldman manager says
A fantastic Virtual video trade show and expo event platform from one of our sponsored partner startup: 3DVTE – TRITAIL demo video on Vimeo, click the link and use PW 12355 to view.
This is really the moment for VR to shine because of remote collaboration, remote training and remote manufacturing
BlackRock’s Fink Delivers Grim Outlook With Tax Hikes for Corporate America
New Hires Keep Dropping Out Before Their Start Dates
Startups in Danger Globally: 41% have less than 3 Months of Runway
Scientists find this household appliance is making the air in your house 5X dirtier than the outside
2 books Warren Buffett recommends reading now.
Report on face masks’ effectiveness for Covid-19 divides scientists
The Pandemic Sprawl: Suburban Flex Offices See Wave Of Interest As Companies Decentralize
BACK TO WORK AMERICA! Our “Preferred Solution Provider-Partner” SEG (Sales Empowerment Group) is Putting Americans Back to Work
And now for the memory lane: A short video clip “Lost in the FIFTIES…” A must see to rekindle good old memories of the Baby Boomer Generation. The greatest generation of them all!
HELP WANTED. The standard hiring process routinely fails both candidates and employers. Five questions everyone should be asking about their company’s hiring process. Your company is terrible at hiring. (No kidding, this is true!) (Safe & Secure PDF Download)
Federal Reserve: The sooner we get through this period and get the virus under control, the sooner the recovery can come
People mostly staying home are still getting Covid-19—here’s the problem and what to do about it.
Advice is More Important—and Overwhelming—Than Ever. Here’s How Founders Can Cut Through the Noise. Here is a great article from First Round Review
Before you grab your mobile phone and order online, think about how much this costs the restaurants!
Since many are forced to use online video conferencing it’s a good idea to download the latest version of Zoom to keep trolls out of your meetings. And, other tricks about Zoom
The clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson sets out twelve profound and practical principles for a meaningful life. A must watch video! v=-5RCmu-HuTg
In times of crisis and afterwards America has always pulled thru. Warren Buffet’s response to the Pandemic Crises summarized this ingrained natural strength beautifully in 4 Words
When the US economy starts up again, let’s start it up with BUY AMERICAN
America should be ready for 18 months of shutdowns in ‘long, hard road’ ahead, warns the Fed
The Gatestone Institute: China is not and never will be your friend! Communism and socialism are the real disease!
Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach
Communications tips during and after the crisis by Noreen Heron
AIR TRAVEL IS DEAD FOR A LONG TIME! BBC News – Coronavirus: UK arrivals could face £1,000 fines if they break quarantine
Impact of Covid-19 crisis to the Global Startup Ecosystem, Insights for Startup Genome