“Your purchasing power is being eroded literally by the day because the quantity of fiat wealth on the planet is going up every day,” warns Clive Thompson, retired managing director for Union Banquette Privée in Switzerland. In an exclusive interview with Daniela Cambone, Thompson paints a stark picture of our financial future. As national debts soar in the Western world, the cost of goods and services, even human labor, is destined to skyrocket. He also points out that within a century, the vast majority of currencies have crumbled into worthlessness, leaving a few survivors merely worth a fraction of their previous value. Thompson asserts that the bleak future of fiat currencies explains why central banks are amassing unprecedented quantities of gold, far beyond any previous decade. This accumulation points towards an ominous conclusion—a monumental monetary reset looms on the horizon
Published On: 05/03/2024 / Categories: Genel /